Early Educators and Professionals
Pre-Employment Transition Services Resources

- Zarrow Institute Transition Planning Curriculum
Includes the ChoiceMaker Self-Determination Transition Curriculum Modules & Materials, ME! Lessons for Teaching Self-Awareness & Self-Advocacy, Pulos' Career Assessment & Exploration Tool Kit (P-CAET), and Whose Future Is It Anyway?: A Student-Directed Transition Planning Process.
- Work Based Learning: A Tool for Pre-ETS Providers to Share with Businesses
Information on work-based learning and its impact.
- What’s Next: College?! A Guided Exploration of NC Inclusive Postsecondary Options for Students with Disabilities
This comprehensive, interactive handbook includes worksheets/handouts outlining college options for students with intellectual disabilities in North Carolina, as well as important decision making factors such as financial aid, living options, and student life.
- Strategies for Community Rehabilitation Providers (CRPs) to collaborate on Pre-ETS
Strategies for community rehabilitation providers to collaborate on pre-ETS.
- Soft Skills to Pay the Bills: Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success | Habilidades sociales para salir adelante
A curriculum focused on teaching "soft" or workforce readiness skills to youth, including youth with disabilities.
- Lifespan Toolbox for Teachers
A library of resources with information for teachers covering various steps in a student's life.
- Job Accommodation Network (JAN) | La Red de Acomodación Laboral (JAN)
A website with resources for employers, individuals, and professionals on work accommodations for people with disabilities.
- Financial Wellness Tools
A toolkit with information on financial wellness.
- CSESA Supporting the Transition to Adulthood Handouts & Curriculum Materials
Handouts, curriculum and training materials, and presentations to aid in supporting the transition to adulthood.

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