Service Navigation

- NC Innovations Waiver | Exención de innovaciones de NC
Information about eligibility and application for the NC Innovation waiter, which funds home and community based long-term services
- NC Family Navigation Guide
A guide designed to help answer questions and concerns about your child's development, and information to help your child grow, learn, and thrive.
- Disability Benefits: SSI and SSDI | Beneficios de SSI y SSDI
The basics about disability benefits like SSDI and SSI.
- Disability Benefits and Determination Services | Servicios de determinación de discapacidad
A description of Disability Determination Services (DDS) and how they are involved with Social Security and Medicaid Disability claims.
- Client Assistance Program (CAP) | Programa de asistencia al cliente
An overview of the Client Assistance Program (CAP,) including who it assists and its services.
- Accessing IDD Services in NC
How and where to find information for accessing IDD services in North Carolina.

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