An Employment Toolkit for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

What is this resource?

This toolkit can be used in many ways! Whether you are exploring your job interests, searching for a job, or looking to improve your work experience, this toolkit is a helpful starting point. Take your time and work through it at your own pace, with support from a job counselor, teacher, or another trusted adult.

What is Inclusive Employment?

Everyone should have the opportunity to work in a job of their choice in their community, including people with disabilities. Click the video to learn more about inclusive jobs and resources available in North Carolina!

How to use

About Work

Getting to Know Myself (pdf)
In this set, you will identify your work strengths and skills, support needs, learning style, and communication style. Then, you will summarize the information about yourself on sheet called “My Portfolio.”

What Kinds of Work Am I Interested In? (pdf)
In this set, you will identify your work interests, practice job searching, and learn about entrepreneurship.

Finding Work

Who can help me? (pdf)
In this set, you will learn how to access employment services and identify the people in your life who can help you achieve your goals.

Need more experience, skills, and/or education (pdf)
In this set, find out information about internships, apprenticeships, volunteering, and postsecondary education.

It’s time to get serious (pdf)
In this set, you will identify your preferences around the work environment and consider logistics. Then, you will identify next steps using a goal-setting template.

I’m ready to work (pdf)
Time to get your resume and cover letter ready. Get job application information, an interview preparation guide, and learn how to access benefits counseling services.

Found a Job

After Getting a Job (pdf)  Use a checklist to prepare for your first day or get tips for moving to a higher or different position in your workplace.

Get the Resource

Resource Topic: Employment

Resource Type(s):  Toolkit

Resource Audience/Topic: Educators and Service Providers, Families, Self-Advocates

Work Together NC