Make Choices and Plan for My Future

- What You Need to Know About SSI When You Turn 18 | Lo que necesita saber del programa de SSI cuando cumple 18 aƱos
Learn about the age-18 redetermination, work incentives, and services that helps children who receive SSI make the transition to adulthood.
- Transition Planning – NTACT
Resources and tools to guide the transition planning process.
- The Roadmap to Meaningful Employment and Independent Living | Hoja de ruta para el empleo significativo y la vida independiente
A guide to help identify and navigate key transition points from ages 11 years old through adulthood.
- Roadmap to Transition: A Handbook for Transitioning to Adulthood
Plain language handbook to help young people with autism understand and plan for their transition to adult life.
- I’m Determined
A website to help you find tools and support to set your goals, be heard, and reach for the stars.
- Dude- Where’s My Transition Plan?
A document that introduces transition planning. This document takes you through the beginning steps of transition planning.

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