Roadmap to Transition: A Handbook for Transitioning to Adulthood

What is this resource?

Plain language handbook to help young people with autism understand and plan for their transition to adult life.

How to use

Read chapters 2-6 to lay the groundowkr for understanding and preparing for transition. These chapters cover: self-determination and self-advocacy, legal rights, how to make a transition plan, how to get supports, and what supported decision-making is and how to use it.

Read chapters 7-10 for in-depth information about the different things you’ll need to think about as you go through transition planning. These chapters cover post-secondary education, employment, housing and independent living, and health care.

Get the Resource

Resource Topic: Transition Planning

Resource Type(s):  PDF, Website

Resource Audience/Topic: Make Choices and Plan for my Future, Self-Advocates

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