Unlocking Potential: Innovative Library Programs Enhancing the Lives of Autistic Individuals

What is this resource?

This is an online article aimed towards library professionals. It begins with a quick description of autism as a neurological disorder, then discusses needs of autistic library patrons as well as library programs designed specifically for individuals with autism.

Additionally, the resource links additional resources for librarians, including the “Autism-Ready Libraries Toolkit” which includes relevant training as well. The aim of this feature is to help libraries implement programs that serve autistic individuals.

How to use

Click on the website link to visit the resource. Scroll down to “How Libraries Can Implement Similar Programs” to access the “Autism-Ready Libraries Toolkit.”

Get the Resource

Resource Topic: Leisure and Recreation

Resource Type(s):  Website

Resource Audience/Topic: Adult Service Best Practices, Adult Service Resources, Educators and Service Providers

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