Sexuality Education for Children and Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities

What is this resource?

This Instructional Manual and the accompanying Resource Guide are designed to help teachers and other educators assist individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) in their exploration of self and sexuality. These manuals are also designed to help educators forge ways to collaborate with individuals’ families in teaching these concepts in a manner consistent with families’ beliefs and values. The authors hope that these resources will help both educators and students gain a deeper appreciation for self and others, and that when persons living with a disability reach adulthood, they will be better prepared to live and participate as independently and safely as possible in the community.

How to use

Download PDF, read through instructional manual to find information about sexuality and disability. Explore resource guide for additional information.

Resource Topic: Sexuality / Gender

Resource Type(s):  En Espanol, PDF

Resource Audience/Topic: Educators and Service Providers, Pre-Employment Transition Services  Resources 

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