Life’s a Journey: Learn More! Do More! Be More! | La vida es un viaje: ¡Aprenda más! ¡Haga más! ¡Sea más!

What is this resource?

This document provides an overview of options such as technical education and training that can be done before graduating high school. It also details educational opportunities that one can pursue once they have graduated high school, such as community college, traditional colleges and universities, and vocational schools.

Documento con un resumen de las opciones para personas con discapacidades después de la escuela secundaria, incluyendo información sobre colegios/universidades inclusivos, capacitationes, y más.

How to use

Use this document to determine if vocational training and postsecondary education is something you are interested in near the end of high school, and if so, what path may help you meet your goals.

Elige el PDF en español para aprender más.

Resource Topic: Education/Training after High School, Employment, Transition Planning

Resource Type(s):  En Espanol, PDF

Resource Audience/Topic: Continue my Education, Education/Training After High School, Educators and Service Providers, Employment, Families, Find Services to Help Me, Get and Keep a Job, Make Choices and Plan for my Future, Pre-Employment Transition Services Best Practices, Self-Advocates, Service Navigation, Transition Planning

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