Guideposts For Success | Estándares para el éxito

What is this resource?

Hosted by the National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability (NCWD), this website features PDFs–in English and Spanish–that help guide individuals with disabilities and their families through the transition process. Additionally, the website outlines specific Guideposts for different areas of transition.

Sitio web con PDFs que guían a las personas con discapacidades y sus familias por el proceso de transición a la edad adulta. 

How to use

Visit the website to view all content, including the NCWD homepage, transition guidance, and Guidepost specifics. Or, you can download the English or Spanish version of the PDFs below.

Elige el PDF en español para aprender más.

Resource Topic: Transition Planning

Resource Type(s):  PDF, Website

Resource Audience/Topic: Families, Self-Advocates, Transition Planning

Work Together NC