1915(i) Waiver

What is this resource?

This PDF gives information about the 1915(i) waiver in both English and Spanish. Topics covered include:

  • Respite care
  • Community transition
  • Supported employment
  • Community living

And more!

Este PDF ofrece información sobre la 1915(i) Waiver en inglés y en español. Los temas incluyen:

  • Cuidado de relevo
  • Transición a la comunidad
  • Empleo con apoyo
  • Vida en la comunidad

Y mucho más!

How to use

The first page is Spanish, and the second page is English.

La primera página es en español y la segunda en inglés.

Resource Topic: Daily Living Supports, Employment, Financial Planning, Healthcare, Legal Rights and Protections, Services Navigation, Transition Planning

Resource Type(s):  En Espanol, PDF

Resource Audience/Topic: Adult Service Resources, Community Living, Educators and Service Providers, Employment, Families, Find Services to Help Me, Live in my Community, Make Choices and Plan for my Future, Self-Advocates, Service Navigation, Transition Planning

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