Community Event

ECAC’s Tool Time Tuesdays- Down Syndrome Awareness Month

In honor of Down Syndrome Awareness Month, we have invited the North Carolina Down Syndrome Alliance to share information about their organization and the programs they offer. Tune in to learn more about their mission to empower, connect, and support the lifespan of individuals with Down syndrome, their families, and the community through outreach, advocacy,

ECAC’s Tool Time Tuesdays- Down Syndrome Awareness Month Read More »

Advancing Access and Equity for People with Disabilities through Innovations in Technology

Come join us as we celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) focused on how technology has the potential to advance access and equity for people with disabilities. Innovative technology tools ranging from assistive technology to augmentative intelligence are continually evolving to increase independence by providing accommodations or enhancing access to information and services. The

Advancing Access and Equity for People with Disabilities through Innovations in Technology Read More »

NC Down Syndrome Virtual Speaker Series | ABLE Accounts and Special Needs Trusts

  The ABLE account is a state-run savings program for eligible people with disabilities in the United States. It continues to be an area many families have questions about; in terms of its setup, how to effectively use it, and how it compliments a special needs trust. You are invited to an interactive, exciting experience

NC Down Syndrome Virtual Speaker Series | ABLE Accounts and Special Needs Trusts Read More »

Work Together NC