Person-Centered Planning Training | Planificación centrada en la persona (PCP)

What is this resource?

On this website, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services offers Person-Centered Planning (PCP) training, as well as related documents and resources. PCP training participants will receive guidance on the process and documentation of Person-Centered planning, through case-based examples.

El sitio web ofrece capacitaciones de PCPs, con ejemplos, documentos relatados y otros recursos.


How to use

Click the link below to access the website. First, you will see a link to register for training. By scrolling down, you can view related training documents, two of which are also offered in Spanish.

Para leer el sitio web en español, elige “español” en la parte superior y a la derecha.

Get the Resource

Resource Topic: Education/Training after High School, Services Navigation

Resource Type(s):  En Espanol, PDF, Website

Resource Audience/Topic: Adult Service Resources, Educators and Service Providers, Pre-Employment Transition Services  Resources 

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