Early Educators and Professionals
Adult Service Best Practices

- National Core Indicators® | Indicadores básicos nacionales®
Information on National Core Indicators (NCI), a program utilizing a set of surveys for public developmental disabilities agencies to measure and track their own performance.
- Job Driven Toolkits | ExploreVR
Toolkits focusing on business engagement, employer supports, customized training, labor market information, career pathways, and apprenticeships.
- Institute for Community Inclusion Publications related to Remote Work for Service Providers
Documents with tools for inclusion. Information about providing quality remote services.
- Handbook on Community Living and Employment
A handbook and learning modules that highlights key topics in community living and employment opportunities and services/supports relevant to those within the human services systems, people with disabilities, and their families.
- Employment and Employment Supports: A Guide to Ensuring Informed Choice for Individuals with Disabilities
An overview of informed choice and how it relates to employment.
- Community Life Engagement Toolkit
Toolkit developed to help service providers develop and improve high quality supports for community life engagement (CLE). Inside you will find guideposts for success, a self-assessment tool, real-world examples of service providers making CLE happen, and other helpful resources and tools.

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