Get and Keep a Job

- Unofficial Guide to Employment and Independence for People with Disabilities
This video playlist will explore various topics about Employment and Independence for People with Disabilities.
- Resume Builder
Online tool to help build your resume.
- O*Net Online
Search for jobs to see the tasks you would have to do and skills you would need.
- My Next Move | Mi Próximo Paso
Search for careers that interest you.
- Job Accommodation Network (JAN) | La Red de Acomodación Laboral (JAN)
A website with resources for employers, individuals, and professionals on work accommodations for people with disabilities.
- Career One Stop
Resources for career exploration, training, and job searching.
- A to Z of Disabilities and Accommodations | De la A a la Z de discapacidades y adaptaciones
JAN provides the following A to Z listings by disability, topic, and limitation. You will find ADA information, accommodation ideas, and resources for additional information.

Find Services
Check out the variety of services available for specific needs.
Search for services by topic or location.