Laws and Regulations

- Tax Benefits for Businesses Who Have Employees with Disabilities
Information about tax credits and deductions that businesses accommodating people with disabilities may qualify for. More detailed information may be found in the IRS publications referenced.
- Support Equal Pay for People with Disabilities! End subminimum wages. | ¡Apoye la Igualdad Salarial para las Personas con Discapacidades!
Information on how you can help support equal pay for people with disabilities.
- Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in the Workplace and ADA
A document that explains how the ADA applies to job applicants and employees with intellectual disabilities.
- Executive Order No. 92: NC is an employment first state! | Orden Ejecutiva No. 92
A news article about Executive Order No. 92. Roy Cooper signed Executive Order No. 92, Employment First for North Carolinians with Disabilities, to increase opportunities for fair wages, employment, and careers for individuals with disabilities.
- Employer and ADA- Myths and Facts
Myths about how the ADA affects employers and research/facts that negate them.

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