Your Right to Assistive Technology
What is this resource?
Financial support for receiving assistive technology at home, school, and work through Medicaid, Innovation Waiver, Vocational Rehabilitation, etc.
Español: Apoyo financiero para recibir tecnología de asistencia en casa, en escuela, y trabajo a través de Medicaid, Innovation Waiver, Vocational Rehabilitation, etc.
How to use
Understand the rights of individuals with ID/DD for using assistive technology and how they can receive financial support for them.
Español: Comprender los derechos de las personas con ID/DD para usar asistencia tecnología y cómo pueden recibir apoyo financiero para ellos.
Resource Topic: Daily Living Supports, Legal Rights and Protections
Resource Type(s):
Resource Audience/Topic: Adult Service Resources, Community Participation, Educators and Service Providers, Employment, Families