Toolkit: Transition to Tailored Plans | Kit de herramientas: Transición a Tailored Plans (Planes personalizados) – en español

What is this resource?

Tailored Plans are a new kind of Medicaid Managed Care health plan that can be applicable to individuals with IDD. DHHS launched a bilingual toolkit with accessible resources for people who ill be impacted by the transition to Tailored Plans on July 1st, 2024.

Utiliza estos materiales gratuitos para promocionar y explicar Tailored Plans (Planes personalizados) en tu comunidad. Tailored Plans (Planes personalizados) de Salud Conductual y Discapacidad Intelectual/Desarrollo de NC Medicaid empiezan el 1 de julio de 2024.

How to use

Click on the link below to access presentations on essential information, flyers, social media posts, and the Tailored Plans landing page.

Get the Resource

Resource Topic: Healthcare, Services Navigation

Resource Type(s):  En Espanol, Website

Resource Audience/Topic: Adult Service Resources, Educators and Service Providers, Families, Find Services to Help Me, Self-Advocates, Service Navigation

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