Special Needs Alliance: Letter of Intent

What is this resource?

An important companion piece to a special needs trust is a “letter of intent” or “letter of instruction.” This is a document that actually ensures your trustee knows your child’s functional abilities, routines, interests, and particular likes and dislikes. In addition to describing your special child, the letter of intent identifies specific doctors, services and resources that will help your child enjoy the highest level of independence and self-reliance. The document is a valuable tool that communicates knowledge only parents may know, including specific hopes and desires for their child’s future well being, to the very people who will be caring for the child after the parents no longer are able to do so. After all, who knows a child better than a parent?

How to use

Read to learn about “letters of intent,” what they are used for and what they should include.

Get the Resource

Resource Topic: Legal Rights and Protections

Resource Type(s):  Website

Resource Audience/Topic: Adult Service Resources, Educators and Service Providers, Families, Transition Planning

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