Personal Assistance in the Workplace

What is this resource?

Answers common questions and concerns that employees and employers have about finding, having, and applying to have a person that can assist them with daily living (PAS provider)

Español: Responder preguntas e inquietudes comunes que los empleados y empleadores tienen sobre cómo encontrar, tener y solicitar una persona que pueda ayudarlos con la vida diaria (proveedor de PAS)


How to use

Understand how the process of finding a PAS provider and understand the relationship between the PAS provider and the employee

Español: Comprender cómo funciona el proceso de búsqueda de un proveedor de PAS y comprender la relación entre el proveedor de PAS y el empleado

Get the Resource

Resource Topic: Employment, Legal Rights and Protections

Resource Type(s):  Website

Resource Audience/Topic: Employers, Laws and Regulations, Recruiting, Hiring, & Retaining Employees with Disabilities

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