NCCDD Supported Living Guidebook | Manual de recursos/Guía de vivienda con apoyo

What is this resource?

It's my home: how people with I/DD Can live in their own home

Resources for individuals with ID/DD, their families, Direct Support Professionals (DSPs), and agencies about transitioning to homes that meet their needs in the community

Recursos para personas I/DD, sus familias, profesionales de apoyo directo (DSP) y agencias sobre la transición a hogares que satisfagan sus necesidades en la comunidad

How to use

Check out the success story videos and links to information based on your role in supporting people with ID/DD to access housing.

Vea los videos de historias de éxito y los enlaces a la información basada en su papel en el apoyo a las personas con ID/DD para acceder a la vivienda.

Get the Resource

Resource Topic: Housing

Resource Type(s):  En Espanol, Website

Resource Audience/Topic: Adult Service Resources, Educators and Service Providers, Live in my Community, Self-Advocates

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