National Core Indicators® | Indicadores básicos nacionales®

What is this resource?

Information on National Core Indicators (NCI), a program utilizing a set of surveys for public developmental disabilities agencies to measure and track their own performance. Descriptions for each of the surveys used.

Sitio web que explica Indicadores básicos nacionales®, un programa con encuestas para agencias públicas de discapacidades del desarrollo para medir y rastrear su propio desempeño. 

How to use

Learn about the NCI program and access the surveys used to measure and track performance.

Para leer en español, elige “español” en la parte superior y a la derecha del sitio web.

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Resource Topic: Transition Planning

Resource Type(s):  En Espanol, Website

Resource Audience/Topic: Adult Service Best Practices, Educators and Service Providers

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