Division on Career Development and Transition Fast Fact Sheets

What is this resource?

DCDT Fast Fact Sheets disseminate information related to key topics in secondary transition. Currently, the DCDT Fast Fact Sheets focus on a number of topics, including evidence-based predictors of post-school success for youth with disabilities, transition planning and assessment, transition specialist competencies, and recommendations for research in secondary transition.

How to use

DCDT Fast Fact Sheets related to the evidence-based predictors were developed to provide teachers, administrators, and families with information about, and ideas for, incorporating the secondary evidence-based predictors into the transition planning process.

Next, the DCDT Fast Fact Sheet related to transition specialist competencies summarizes the competencies of transition specialists that go beyond the traditional special education teacher.

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Resource Topic: Transition Planning

Resource Type(s)

Resource Audience/Topic: Educators and Service Providers, Pre-Employment Transition Services Best Practices

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