Employer Resource Day: Empower Your Team

Community Event


July 11, 2024


8:30-10:30 am


McKimmon Conference Center NC State (1101 Gorman Street Raleigh, NC 27606)

Employer Resource Day: Empower Your Team is an event dedicated to fostering accessibility and disability inclusion within organizations. Designed to equip employers with invaluable resources, this event offers a comprehensive exploration of tools and strategies to create inclusive workplaces from recruitment to retirement.

From adaptive technologies to accommodation policies, attendees will gain insights into fostering an environment where every team member can thrive. Join us for a day of empowerment, learning, and actionable steps toward building a more inclusive and diverse workforce. Free, reservation required.Presented by Raleigh Mayor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities, Ablr, and Capital Area Workforce Development.

Work Together NC