IEP Action Plan

IEP Action Plan

When youth with an IEP turn 16 years of age, they will actively engage in individualized transition planning. This process helps youth learn about themselves, make decisions, set goals, and interact with their IEP team to identify objectives and activities.

How To Get Started: To create a custom action plan for yourself or for someone you support:

  • Select items that you want added to your action plan.
  • Ignore any items that have already been done, or that are not relevant to you or the person you’re supporting.
  • After clicking “Submit,” you will see a summary of your selected items, which is your customized action plan.
  • This form will not be saved, however you will be able to print the summary, and if you provided an optional email address, the results will be emailed to you immediately.
Acronym key: EIPD = Division of Employment and Independence for People with Disabilities | AC = Adapted Curriculum | OCS = Occupational Course of Study | FRC = Future Ready Core | IEP = Individualized Education Program | SSI = Supplemental Security Income | SSDI = Social Security Disability Insurance | DPI=Department of Public Instructions

Items to include in the IEP
IEP Meeting Considerations
Other supports for transition planning, outside of school based services
Add any additional items that you would like to include in your Action Plan.
Provide an email address to receive a copy of this custom Action Plan.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Work Together NC