Frequently Asked Questions
To improve the quality of life of people with ID/DD and their families through (1) making it easier to navigate systems of support in the transition to adulthood (2) increasing access to meaningful work, continued education, and community engagement.
View Our Common Agenda, created by and for our Community Collaborative.
1) Accessible transition resources for individuals with ID/DD and their families
2) Training in best practices for service providers and employers
3) An Inclusive Employment Coalition, starting in the Triangle/Triad region of NC and eventually replicated Statewide
People with ID/DD, their families, employers, allies, service providers, schools, and the community at large!
This 1.1 million dollar grant was awarded to the UNC TEACCH Autism Program by the U.S. Administration on Community Living Projects of National Significance, grant number 90DNCE0006. The Principal Investigator of the project is Brianne Tomaszewski.
The funding was awarded in September 2021 and will continue through September 2026. We are working with our community partners to develop a sustainability plan, which is a key priority of the project.
Collective impact is a structured process for bringing people together to tackle complex social problems. To learn more visit the Collective Impact Forum Website or watch this video on Tackling Complex Social Problems through Collective Impact.
Self-advocates, family members, employers, service providers, and other allies to people with ID/DD are encouraged to join our Collaborative! Learn how to Collaborate with Us and please sign up for our email list to receive information about upcoming virtual meetings and opportunities to give feedback.

Connect with Us!
Questions, feedback, or upcoming events you want to share? Please reach out to us.