Employment Services, Transition Planning

OE Enterprises: Pre-Employment Transition Services

Alamance and Orange County

Services/Programs Description

OE Enterprises has partnered with the NC Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) to deliver Pre-ETS services through the Transition for Success (T4S) program. The goal of this program is to increase vocational skills, develop clear career planning, and improve access to integrated community- based options, with the ultimate goal of better-quality employment outcomes. This program runs during the traditional school day. Lessons focus on:

Job exploration counseling
Work-based learning experiences
Self-advocacy training
Workplace readiness training
Counseling on postsecondary education and training options."


A Student in a participating school district
Aged 14- 21 years old
With a documented disability
Eligible to receive services from Vocational Rehabilitation (Do not need to be a VR client). Current School Systems Participating:
Alamance-Burlington School System
Orange County Schools


Funded by NC vocational rehabilitation

Phone Number(s)

(919) 732-8124 (Orange) or (336) 513-4400 (Alamance)

Work Together NC