Day Programs, Daily Living Supports, Employment Services

Kaleo Supports

Anson, Bladen, Columbus, Cumberland, Duplin, Durham, Edgecombe, Greene, Guilford, Harnett, Hoke, Johnston, Lee, Lenoir, Montgomery, Moore, Nash, Randolf, Richmond, Robeson, Sampson, Scotland, Wake, Wayne, Wilson

Services/Programs Description

Vocational and Innovations Waiver Services. Includes work adjustment job coaches, supported employment, residential supports, respite, community networking services, and in-home skill building.


Once approved for Innovations Waiver Services, the Care Coordinator will write an Individual Support Plan outlining goals to be worked upon. The services, including the frequency are defined in the plan and authorized by the Managed Care Organization. The MCO sets the fee/rate which is paid to the provider that provides the services.

Phone Number(s)

(910) 630-2255

Work Together NC