Daily Living Supports, Employment Services, Transition Planning, Advocacy, Family Support


Asheville, NC

Services/Programs Description

FIRSTwnc aims to help individuals with disabilities participate fully in their communities. They offer a range of services from childhood to adulthood. Transition-aged individuals with disabilities and their families may be particularly interested in these programs:
- Community Parent Resource Center (CPRC): This service helps parents and youth understand self-advocacy, and provides education/training to parents for accessing community supports (including transition planning through IEPs). Support is offered in both Spanish and English.
- Community Navigator and Self Direction Training for EOR: This service promotes self-determination, supports individuals in making life choices, provides advocacy, and identifies opportunities for individuals to participate in their communities. Contact eor@firstwnc.org for more information.
- My FIRST Key is a Supported Living Program for individuals living in their own homes, assisted by members of the FIRSTwnc team. Direct care staff can assist with activities of daily living, budgeting, and interpersonal/social skills. This service does not include housing.
- Abilities FIRST is a coaching program that supports people with IDD in opening a microenterprise. Contact michelle@firstwnc.org for more information.


This organization primarily serves individuals with disabilities from childhood to adulthood.


Costs for services varies by program. Methods of payment that may be accepted include the Innovations waiver and private pay. Some programs are funded through NC Innovations Services, the US Department of Education, and/or Vaya Health.

Phone Number(s)


Work Together NC