Employment Services, Day Programs

Eastern Carolina Vocational Center


Services/Programs Description

ECVC operates three primary programs designed to help individuals with disabilities achieve their vocational goals.

-Transitional Program: offers time-limited services, usually no more than 4 months, to help an individual obtain competitive employment. Includes assessment, job readiness training, job placement assistance, and on-the-job training.

- Adult Developmental & Vocational Program (ADVP): This is a long-term program that provides ongoing work and day activities for persons with higher support needs.

- Supported Employment: This is a long-term program that assists persons higher support needs to obtain and maintain community employment.


Individuals with disabilities.


ECVC has a contract with Trillium Health Resources, the local management entity representing the NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services to provide these services. Other funding arrangements may also be accepted.

Phone Number(s)


Work Together NC