
Camp Blue Skies

Boomer, NC

Services/Programs Description

The Camp Blue Skies program is a residential camp that offers adults with developmental disabilities an opportunity to enhance their lives through recreation, socialization, and life skills education.


Camp Blue Skies serves adults aged 21 and older with cognitive and developmental disabilities. A camper must be mobile and capable of benefitting from a residential camp experience (no wheelchairs, etc). They should also be able to listen, follow simple directions, and communicate about personal needs. Campers should be able to manage basic self-care skills (eating, showering, dressing, and toileting). They should also be able to participate in activities without needing significant medical or behavioral support). Finally, campers should be interested in and willing to participate in group activities (both outdoor and indoor).


$425 covers five days of camp, four nights of lodging, all meals and snacks, activities, and a T-shirt.

Phone Number(s)

(704) 266-2267

Work Together NC