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Easterseals offers web-based resources for finding accessible transportation.
Transportation information for supporters of individuals with disabilities.
Guide to help you understand your rights to park in accessible parking. Request assigned parking. Advocate for accessible parking.
This PDF describes the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as well as the paratransit process.
List of contact information for transportation providers across North Carolina counties.
A document covering tips for navigating public transportation for a person on the autism spectrum.
A toolkit about driving and some of the obstacles to driving.
Answers to common questions about paratransit. Information about what paratransit is. Discusses different types of paratransit and who is eligible.
Transportation resources organized by county and region.
Video based, peer-to-peer training about taking public transportation, transportation advocacy, and rights under the American with Disabilities Act.
Transportation resources by area.
A guide to the types of public transportation. Tips for using public transportation safely.
A guide that discusses transportation options and some of the obstacles.
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