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Learn more about the role of remote employment in creating inclusive employment practices.
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for any Supported Employment provider to partner with their local Chamber of Commerce to co-host a "Coffee Talk" event for employers.
This is a guide for individuals with disabilities who might be interested in nursing as a profession.
Learn more about the Division of Services for the Blind (DSB) in the context of employment and the transition to adulthood. Aprender más de la División de Servicios para Personas Ciegas (DSB) en el contexto de la transición a la vida adulta y empleo.
A document that helps you explore options at the end of high school regarding training, internships and apprenticeships, and postsecondary education.
A powerful story of a mother who describes "letting go" when her son entered the world of work.
Employers discuss how exposing young adults with disabilities to real work experiences can help to meet the needs of a business and improve their bottom line.
A website with information and resources related to customized employment.
An overview of the right and wrongs ways to apply for a job and give an interview, how to request reasonable accommodations and keep a job.
A checklist that provides an introductory guide to Centers for Independent Living (CILs) staff who refer and facilitate access for job seekers with disabilities to their local American Job Center (AJC).
In this short Simply Said video, you'll learn how your local Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) counselor can help you be successful at school, at work, and in the community.
Information explaining the services Vocational Rehabilitation offers.
Parents Helping Parents supports, educates, and inspires families and the community to build bright futures for youth and adults with special needs.
Research brief focusing on effects of paid work experiences on post-school employment outcomes of students with severe disabilities.
This booklet addresses myths and outlines accommodations for people with disabilities in the workforce.
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