ECAC Tool Time Tuesday | The Learning Differences Playbook – A Tool from CREED Educators

Community Event


February 20, 2024





The Center for Racial Equity in Education (CREED), is a North Carolina-based nonprofit actively pursuing racial justice by closing the knowing-doing gap in the field and filling an organizational void in our state. With the vision that one day race will no longer be the primary predictor of educational outcomes, CREED actively pursues racial justice, facilitates better educational practice, and inspires institutional and systemic transformation of the education system. In this segment, we will learn about The Learning Differences Playbook, a tool for educators to help bridge the “knowing-doing” gap that exists for how we improve the educational outcomes of students of color with learning differences.

Presented by: Kamille Bostick, Director of Programming, Center for Racial Equity in Education (CREED)

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