Caravan for Disability Freedom and Justice – Hillsborough

Community Event


June 26, 2024


9am - 10am


Hillsborough, NC

The Caravan for Disability Freedom and Justice is making a trip across the U.S. to heighten awareness of disability rights. Its route through North Carolina has brought a large collective of disabled people and our allies together to plan events in connection with caravan stops. Events are being planned for Raleigh the morning of June 25th, Durham the evening of June 25th, Hillsborough on June 26th, and Charlotte on June 27th. We are focusing these events on the 25th anniversary of the US Supreme Court’s landmark Olmstead decision that vindicated the rights of people with disabilities to be integrated into our communities instead of segregated in facilities. We are also using these events to ensure disabled voters have access to the polls and to demonstrate to campaigns that we vote and they must be aware of and responsive to our needs. We will honor and celebrate our activism, share our stories, raise awareness of current issues, and build a coalition to address them. Olmstead’s integration mandate has not been met and we will use these events to connect, educate, motivate, and advocate for freedom and justice for people with disabilities.

Learn more here.

Work Together NC