ECAC | Rethinking Guardianship: Exploring Less Restrictive Alternatives

Community Event


June 18, 2024





According to the National Council on Disability Report (2019), “For a variety of reasons, youth with I/DD are disempowered by schools actively encouraging guardianship to the exclusion of less restrictive alternatives and not providing families and students with sufficient information about the availability of a full continuum of decision-making supports.”

Now with the passage of NC State Law 2023-124, anyone petitioning for guardianship will have to explain what less restrictive alternatives they have tried and why they are not sufficient to support individuals in making decisions.

During this session, participants will be introduced to the concepts of choice and self-determination; NC’s adult guardianship system and new law, enacted January 2024. Participants will also learn about the ongoing work of Rethinking Guardianship NC; and how decision-making rights can be retained or regained through less restrictive alternatives.

There are two sessions offered: June 18th and June 25th (Spanish interpretation provided)

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Explain the concepts of choice and self-determination and why they are important to any individual’s sense of well-being.
  2. Describe adult guardianship and the new law (SL2023-124) in North Carolina.
  3. Name the goals and accomplishments of the NC Rethinking Guardianship initiative.
  4. Identify what is meant by “Supported Decision-Making” and “less restrictive alternatives” and how they can be applied outside of and in some situations, inside of a guardianship arrangement.
  5. Discuss available resources and where to access them for individuals, families, and professionals.

Presented by: Linda Kendall Fields, M.Ed., Director, UNC Cares Program

Work Together NC